Category Archives: Youth Group

Saint Paul Mission Trip – Misc.

This last collection of Saint Paul Mission Trip photo were taken by other people, but I’m not sure what day they were taken. Enjoy!

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Misc.

It truly was an incredible trip and transformative trip! If you ever have a chance to go, GO! You will not regret it. Not even when you can’t sleep, it is 2 in the morning, and you are sleeping on an air mattress on a concrete floor. I absolutely mean it!

Saint Paul Mission Trip – Day 4

Pictures from the last working day of the Saint Paul Mission Trip:

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 4

Day 4 of the Mission Trip is always highly emotional. The large group worship service ends with a foot washing ceremony. Then church time is usually very emotional as people begin to realize that the lives that they’ve touched and who have touched their lives, they won’t be seeing those people tomorrow. It is just an incredibly peaceful and serene evening. One of my favorites from the mission trip.

Saint Paul Mission Trip – Day 1

Here are a few of the photos from Day 0 and Day 1 of the recent mission trip to Saint Paul (I didn’t take all these photos, even though I wish I could be at multiple places at the same time):

Mission Trip  - Day 0

Mission Trip  - Day 0

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

Saint Paul Mission Trip - Day 1

As usual, it was an incredible trip! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I love talking about the mission trip, even though most people get sick of hearing about it.


By the time that this publishes, I should be on the road to Saint Paul with 3 other “adults” and 14 youth from my church for a mission trip.

If you are in the Minnesota, there is a chance you might be able to join us for a community dinner on Thursday night. You’d have to text me for details if that interested you.

However, if you aren’t in Minnesota, the best way to follow this adventure is to get on your phone. Get on Instagram. Follow @boonefumcyg. If you don’t have a phone, but do have a computer, you can follow us at the following URL:


Now there isn’t a ton of time to be dinking around with the social medias when you are doing

All the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can.

However, there will be a handful of pictures posted each day, I’d guess. You might even see sweet pictures like the following:

Milwaukee Mission Trip

Milwaukee Mission Trip

Milwaukee Mission Trip

Milwaukee Mission Trip

Milwaukee Mission Trip

Milwaukee Mission Trip

Milwaukee Mission Trip

Martin, South Dakota Mission Trip

Martin, South Dakota Mission Trip

Martin, South Dakota Mission Trip

Martin, South Dakota Mission Trip

Minneapolis Mission Trip

Minneapolis Mission Trip

Minneapolis Mission Trip

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Also, on Sunday, July 2, in between services, the members of the mission trip will be giving their testimony about the mission trip. In Fellowship Hall. So if you’re interested, you should show up for that.

Then I Wonder Why She Sleeps with my Friends

This collection of NATURE losers was taken at Ledges.














I got off work early on a Friday and headed to Ledges. I thought that I had insect repellent in my trunk, but I was wrong. I forged on anyways. I got absolutely lit up by mosquitoes. It was not a fun experience. Then when I came out of the remote woods (I was off trail hiking) I was greeted by 3 kids from the Youth Group. Their picture was to show me their excitement for the mission trip. It is getting really close now!

The Last Youth Group

Last Wednesday was the last youth group of the year. It was an interesting year and filled with challenges, but hopefully it turned out alright.

On the last night, we just had a movie night. The kids watched MOANA and painted. Here are a few pictures from that night:

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

Last Night of Youth Group

It will be interesting to see what happens with the youth group next year. Hopefully, they finally hire somebody to fill Alisa’s giant shoes.

If you’re wondering what I’m going to do with my future Wednesday nights, I will be starting a new photo project (hopefully) and will be revealing the details (hopefully) next Wednesday.

Acts 2 Collective – Getting in the Dirt

On Wednesday night we had former Iowa State basketball player and current Christian Missionary Jake Sullivan come speak to our youth group. We had a potluck dinner and then Sarah G. ran Devotions before he spoke.

I wish more of you would’ve made it, because he gave a great and inspiring speech about fishing for people. He started his speech talking about his basketball career with a story about how he was heavily recruited, but he didn’t have any scholarship offers until he put up 42 on Dwayne Wade.

He told the story about how he wasn’t raised in a house of believers, but what lead him to God was following a girl he wanted to date to the SALT Company.

He also talked about how after his basketball career was over, he was worried he would never get the feeling he got when he hit a big shot in Hilton. It was praying on this worry that lead to his mission work in Africa and Iowa and Minnesota.

However, the story that he told that I will remember most was when he was running a basketball clinic in a bad part of Chad. All of Chad is a place you don’t want to be, so you can imagine how bad the bad part of Chad must be.

On the last night of the clinic, 4 black government SUVs pulled up to the clinic. A bunch of government officials in military uniforms got out. Jake thought for sure that he was going to jail for his faith and he was prepared to do it. Even though he had a wife and children waiting at home for him.

Instead, what happened was that the government was there to give him more land to do his mission work. This is the kind of thing that doesn’t happen in a Muslim country that is torn apart by civil war and has 4 different terrorist organizations on all 4 sides.

But why were they doing this?

They told him that he wasn’t the first white person that had come through there. He wasn’t the first American to come through there. He definitely wasn’t the first Christian to come through there. However, of all the people that had come through there, trying to spread the word of Jesus, Jake was the first one to sit in the dirt with them (literally) and eat with them.

Jake pointed out this wasn’t part of some plan he had hatched. He sat down in the dirt and ate with them, because that is how they ate. They sat in a circle on the ground and ate. He sat with them because that is what he thought he was supposed to do.

A real God Moment. Plus a great lesson. If you are going fishing for men or if you are showing people the love of Jesus, you have to get into the dirt with them. God meets people wherever they are and you have to do the same.

It is also a good reminder for people that have thought about returning to church or going to church for the first time too. Lots of people think that they can’t go to church because they have to get their life together first. They have to get straight. Then when they are good enough, they can go to church.

But that is backwards thinking. You take your problems. You take your baggage. You take all your dirt to God. That is when the transformation happens. Don’t try to transform before you go to God. Go to God and the transformation will happen.

As the saying goes, “Church isn’t a museum for good people. It is a hospital for broke people.”

Guess what? We’re all broken. And after we heal, we are strong at the broken places.

After the speech was over, Teresa came up and said she needed to get my picture with Jake Sullivan for Mom.

So I went up and told him, “My sister needs a picture of us together because my Mom wants it.” Then I paused and I added, “I want it too!”:

Me with Jake Sullivan

After the speech one of the kids in the youth group stopped me and said, “You should book more speakers like him.”

I told him, “There just aren’t a lot of Jake Sullivans in the world!”