Category Archives: Life

Self-Portrait Project: Week 1

To replace RWPE on Mondays this year, I am going to attempt to take a self-portrait every day this year. I have no expectations that I will take 366 winners (or even 66 winners for that matter), but that isn’t necessarily the point.

Although you will be able to see how much weight I gain this year, how much hair I lose, how much more dashing I become, and how many times I shave (over/under is at 10 for you gamblers) that isn’t really the point either.

Although I’m sure a few of the important events of 2012 will be recorded, documenting my life for 1 year isn’t really the point either.

The is a photography exercise more than anything else. An exercise to get me to attempt to think creatively at least once every day. Hopefully there are some winners in there. Hopefully I don’t gain any weight and I know that I will become exponentially more dashing. Hopefully I will have more than 10 reasons to shave this year. Hopefully there are many good milestones in my life worth documenting. But, all of those will be ancillary benefits.

I will try to take all of these pictures without assistance. Meaning, I won’t hand the camera to somebody and say, “Take a picture of me doing X.” But I’m sure that will happen on occasion.

Here are the first 8 pictures from this project.

01/01/12 12:01 AM

01/02/12 11:25 PM

01/03/12 9:12 PM

01/04/12 4:42 PM

01/05/12 6:12 PM

01/06/12 10:24 PM

01/07/12 8:41 PM

01/08/12 6:39 PM

Hopefully this will provide amusement to somebody besides me.

Personal Photo Project #98

I did get a chance to send at a few Merry Christmas Picture Messages last year, even though they were a little less ambitious than years past. Here is the picture I sent out:

Merry Christmas 2011!

I’m sure I’ll have to make up for weak attempt last year with something more ambitious for a minor holiday this year. I wonder when Talk Like A Pirate Day is this year.


Scottie D. and I are in constant search of the planet’s best tenderloin. As Iowa is home to the best tenderloins on the planet, we haven’t had to stray too far from our front door.

Recent events have forced us out of those front doors as the BK’s in Ogden was home to what we both considered the best tenderloin on the planet. But now BK’s has closed and become The Lucky Pig. If anybody tries to tell you that The Lucky Pig has a comparable or even better tenderloin than BK’s, that person clearly knows nothing about tenderloins. NOTHING!!!

However, this isn’t a journal entry about what is wrong with The Lucky Pig’s tenderloin. This is an entry about the greatness of the tenderloin served at The Country House in Colo. The New Reigning Tenderloin King!*

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Colo and our tasting of greatness.

Bow before your King!

Scottie D. Showing off the Tenderloin

His First Bite

Me Enjoying the Reigning King!

Our Tenderloin Posse Squaring Up with the House

The Sassiest Waitress Ever!

The 2nd Sassiest Waitress Ever!

If you are interested in trying tenderloin greatness, The Country House is in Colo, right off US30. Next to the Twin Anchors Campground. Be warned, they don’t serve the tenderloin on Sundays, but they are definitely worth eating at on Sundays as well. They serve a giant spread family style on Sundays with flat out the best cole slaw I’ve ever had in my life. It is cheap too. $10.95 for a ton of food.

*The King until we find something better, but the bar has been set high!

Iowa Gothic

Jesse and I went on a road trip a ways back. Here are some images from that trip, provided with the occasional commentary.

I love the fact that “Loafing” was prohibited.

I had to have this picture taken as 1 of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies (Taxi Driver) is when Robert DeNiro takes his date to the porn theater because he doesn’t know any better.

The chick that ran this place was awesome & I think we were her favorite guests of the day.

There aren’t enough buildings in Iowa that are marked where a ship ran into them.


Anybody who knows the exact reason why we stopped to take this picture is one of my favorite people in the world.

I am already looking forward to our next road trip. Maybe a couple more people will join us. If interested, forward your Road Tripping Resume to me. We will be looking for people with a sense of adventure and a large bladder. The bladder size is negotiable.

Personal Photo Project of the Week #90

Happy Halloween 2011
Happy Halloween 2011!

Jay and I’s traditional pumpkin carving night got moved up one night, but despite the break with tradition Jay carved that awesome pumpkin to look like Naima. As you will see, my pumpkin carving skills are considerably less than Jay’s.

More Happy Halloween pictures:

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

I’m not sure what I will be publishing here next Friday. Although I’m finding my mode again, there is no telling what way I’ll go.

State Fairing It Up!

I made it to the State Fair twice this year. I went once on a Friday to see Maroon 5 with Jill. Then on the last day of the Fair I went with my Mom. I met up with Derrick, Jen, and Evie. We ran into Sara, Shawn, and Cousin Amy. Here are some pictures from those trips:

Jill in front of the picture of her at the Photography Salon.

Jill with her turkey leg.

The damage she did to that turkey leg.

Even though Jill is a Legacy Member of the Maroon 5 Fan Club, she felt our seats could have been better…

I thought that they were pretty good.

For some reason, Maroon 5 played before Train. Don’t know why, but at least we didn’t have to endure Train.

Evie loves baby animals!

Evie is a toe wiggler!

Evie supports winners!

We heard the following at this stand a lot: “1 fried butter on a stick and a bottle of water, please!”

You can’t imagine how hard it was for me NOT to photoshop that terrible Hawk logo out of this picture, but trust me, despite what his wardrobe is telling the world, Shawn is a good guy. He just doesn’t know how to dress.

With the 2nd Place Picture

With the Honorable Mention Picture

Some people view this as impressive.

Looking forward to next year’s fair already!

Kansas City Mission Trip

A few weeks back I was one of four lucky adults that got to chaperone my church’s youth group on a mission trip to Kansas City.  It was truly one of the best weekends of  the year for me and I sincerely hope that I get asked to chaperone a trip again in the future.

The Sunday after the mission trip I spoke before the congregation about my experience.  I was operating on about 45 minutes of sleep because the night before was Sara’s graduation party.  I got home at about 3 in the morning. I was also dogsitting Jupiter and any time I remotely dozed off he was waking me up for various reasons.

This is an approximation of the speech I gave to the congregation. Only it is better (I hope) because I’m not about to fall asleep.

The Kansas City Mission Trip was an amazing experience and there are two things I took out of the trip.

The first thing was perspective.  On Saturday night during our debriefing we watched a Nooma video that gave some extremely startling statistics:

It would cost 20 billion dollars to provide basic nutrition, heath care, and clean drinking water for the entire world.  20 billion dollars sounds like a lot of money, until you put it in perspective.  20 billion dollars is how much money Americans spend on ice cream every year.

1 billion people in this world survive on less than 1 dollar a day.

Did you eat this morning?  800 million people in the world won’t eat today. 300 million of those people are kids.  Every few seconds somebody dies of hunger.

1 billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water.

Those are worldwide statistics and they are horrible, but here are a few statistics that hit a little bit closer to home.

In Kansas City on any given night there are 13,000 homeless people.  To put that in perspective, Boone is a town of about 13,000 people.  There is an entire town of  Boone in Kansas City every night that doesn’t have a home.

In Kansas City there are 350 beds for the homeless. To put that in perspective, on a good day, there are about 350 people here during this service worshiping.  So think about it this way, everybody in this church would have a place to sleep tonight, but everybody else in town would be looking for a place to sleep. Underneath a bridge. In an abandoned car. On a friend’s couch. If they are lucky.

Many of those people won’t find a place to sleep.  That is why when we worked at the Faith Hope Ministry on Saturday, many of the people were there to sleep. They were sleeping there during the day, because there wasn’t a safe place for them to sleep on the streets.

Here is another statistic about the homeless in Kansas City that breaks the heart.  The average age of a homeless person in Kansas City is 7 years old.

I can’t imagine what life would be like if I was 7 years old and homeless.  What was your greatest concern when you were 7 years old? Mine might have been missing the Duane and Floppy Show. It wasn’t where I was going to sleep that night. It wasn’t when I was going to eat again.

Another part of the perspective I learned on this trip was extremely shallow.  I apologize for the shallowness of this observation.

I wouldn’t make it as a homeless person.  I just flat out wouldn’t.

I don’t look the way I do because of lack of exercise, although I’m sure that contributes, I like food.  I like good food.

I could not survive on the food that the homeless are thankful to have. Even the “good food” that was served at the Faith Hope Mission was tough to choke down.

Our final stop on Saturday night was at a Family Shelter. This shelter had been receiving food donations of expired food from an area Trader Joe’s.

This is perhaps my favorite memory from the trip.

One of our jobs was sorting the food that was too moldy to eat from the food that was moldy, but a person could eat it. The look on our youths face when Andrea handed them a package of strawberries that were covered in mold and told them it was edible… it was priceless.

The truth is that there were going to be people getting that food and those people would be THANKFUL to be getting it.


It is a reminder that everything we get is a gift from God.  Everything. That car that you are driving. Gift. That house you are living in. Gift. Those clothes on your back. Gift. That food in your belly. Gift. That air in your lungs. Gift.

The second thing I took from this trip is that this church has an awesome youth group.

I don’t pick the word awesome randomly and I don’t mean it the way most people use the word.  It is true that the members of the youth group are many of those things. They are cool. They are neat.

I mean awesome in the truest sense of the word: our youth group is awe inspiring.

The work they did was awe inspiring. The compassion they displayed was awe inspiring.

They inspired me to remember what it truly means to be a Christian. To serve others and always remember the questions: “What can I give? I have been blessed. Who am I going to bless? How can I be more generous? How can I step into my divine responsibility to give?”

I can report to this congregation that without a doubt that the Fair Stand will be in very good hands in 2035.

Here are a few pictures from the trip:

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

Kansas City Mission Trip #1

I just want to close this journal entry with two Bible verses that kind of sum up the way I think of the trip:

“Beware lest you say in your heart, “My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.” You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
-Deuteronomy 8:17-18

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, TO BE RICH IN GOOD DEEDS, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way, they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”
-Timothy 6:17- 19

In particular this passage from Timothy is one of my favorites in the Bible. Along with Psalm 139 and Ephesians 4:29.

Editor’s Note: Since I wrote this blog, I have been asked to chaperone the mission trip to Minnesota next year.


I’d like to give a big thanks to my fence crew that over the course of 4 intense work days over the last couple of months built a fence for me.

Thanks to:

Jason Stensland
Jay Janson
Andree Jauhari
Joshua Kraushaar
Derrick Gorshe
Scottie D.

Here are a few pictures from the project:

Me and my friends put a lot of sweat equity in this project. The heat index was well over 110 on at least 1 of the days we worked on this project. But I’m sure it will be worth it when I finally complete Operation Puppy!