Category Archives: Art

State Fair Koan

I went to the State Fair with Sara on Sunday night with the mistaken belief that we would go see Vanilla Ice and Tone Loc in concert.

We were going to be ironic, not because we thought this would be good, but in the end, the joke was on us. The crowd was so large, that we instead just ate more delicious State Fair food and then ate some more delicious State Fair Food.

Some pictures:

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010
Sara thought this lamb looked like Jupiter.

Iowa State Fair - 2010
This ride almost killed me last year.

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Iowa State Fair - 2010

What is the State Fair Koan?

Look at the picture below:

Iowa State Fair - 2010

Try to answer this impossible question:

What is prettier: Sara and I or our art?

RWPE #28 – Calm

Last week’s submissions for CALM:

Carla Stensland

Dawn Krause

Christopher D. Bennett

Mike Vest

The Random Generator has been randomizing and randomizing and finally it has generated the theme for this week:


This is a slightly more technical theme than most of the themes. Here is a good definition of DEPTH OF FIELD:

Depth of field (DOF) is the portion of a scene that appears acceptably sharp in the image. Although a lens can precisely focus at only one distance, the decrease in sharpness is gradual on each side of the focused distance, so that within the DOF, the unsharpness is imperceptible under normal viewing conditions.

Depth of Field is controlled by the size of the aperture used to take a picture. The larger the aperture, the smaller the Depth of Field. The smaller the aperture, the larger the Depth of Field. If you want only one item in a picture to be in focus, then you use a large aperture. If you want almost the whole picture to be in focus, then you use a small aperture.

One thing to note about aperture sizes, the larger the number, the smaller the aperture. f/1.4 is much larger than f/32.

Perhaps you don’t know how to control the size of the aperture on your camera. You can still fake it. Almost all camera have “Creative Control” settings. If you set your camera on “Portrait”, almost always symbolized by a sideways icon of a woman’s face, then the camera will use exposure settings with the largest aperture possible. If you set your camera to “Landscape” almost always symbolized by a mountain icon, the camera will use exposure settings with the smallest aperture possible.

DEPTH OF FIELD is usually meant to describe a picture taken with a large aperture to separate the subject of a picture from its background. Here are a few examples:

Obama at Mike O'Brien's House


Personal Photo Project #23 Alternate - Well-Shaped Girl


Girl in the Blue Skirt - 2010

The Best Place to Seek God

Girl in the Blue Skirt - 2010

Personal Photo Project #23 Alternate - Well-Shaped Girl

Of course, feel free to use your own definition of DEPTH OF FIELD.


I think that anybody that has spent an extensive time with me knows the location of my favorite bridge. Despite being the scene of a tragedy, my love of that bridge has actually increased recently as it has become a community art project of some kind.

I don’t really like graffiti, but at the same time I love folk art. I like to think what has happened to this bridge is more folk art and less graffiti, but I’m truly not an expert on either subject. I don’t know why what has happened on this bridge has happened, but I love it.

























Something that can’t really be seen in the pictures is that somebody has put an office chair in one of the bridge’s support columns. That would be an awesome place for a Spring through Fall office.

Vacation Day 6 – Campus

I don’t recall if I woke up in my own bed or on my own couch on Thursday morning, but I definitely slept good and solid after getting home close to midnight the previous night. I think that I was able to fall asleep rather quickly after the 3.5 hour Funyun and Grape Faygo fueled drive.

I met Shannon for lunch at Battle’s. She explained to me her current sources of stress. I explained to her the Christopher D. Bennett Apathy Method of Stress Management. Although she possesses the intellect to grasp the basic tenets of the system, I have my doubts that she will give up her stress to the brilliance of my system.

After Shannon returned to work I picked Nader up from the west Ames location of the Evil Clown Empire. Since VEISHEA we had discussed spending part of a day on the beautiful Iowa State campus taking pictures. I had one spot in mind in particular to complete a Personal Photo Project, but those pictures will have to wait until it is their turn to be revealed to the world.

However, here is quite a sizable collection of other pictures that I took on that day:

Vacation - 2010
Nader by one of his favorite trees.

Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 6

Vacation - 2010
Nader next to his favorite picture.

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Vacation Day 6

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

Vacation - 2010

Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 6

Vacation Day 6

Still Laughing - 2010

Vacation Day 6

Still Laughing - 2010

Still Laughing - 2010

After the time on the ISU campus we hit a movie and had dinner. It was a perfectly acceptable way to conclude the month of the Lone Wolf Off. I have yet to submit the panel to the 3 judges, but I have no doubt that I won this baby with ease! I think Willy has even conceded and fully endorsed the fact that he is The Salmon!

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 10

I indicated in the first Personal Photo Project entry that the weekly Personal Photo Project wouldn’t always be designing and taking a new picture. This is one of those occasions.

This time the project was cutting and mounting and hanging Psyched Up (Not Out) on the wall.

Psyched Up (Not Out)
Psyched Up (Not Out)

To get a print this large made isn’t chump change, so I enlisted the aid of Teresa because she has a much steadier hand than I do. I didn’t want to be on the hook for buying a replacement print if I butchered the cutting job.

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 10

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 10

Teresa cut the picture down to the dimensions of the window. Then I mounted it to a piece of foamboard, that Teresa had also cut. I placed the picture in the window and strung wire across the back of it.

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 10

It was a big enough spectacle that Carla, Johnathan and Alexis came over to witness the picture being placed proudly upon my wall.

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 10

Or it is possible that they stopped by because their laptop was broken, but I’d like to think that it was because of the picture hanging ceremony.

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 10

I now have a wall of Jill Gorshe body parts! I think that this is where that picture series will end. I’m not sure if Jill would be game for adding to the collection, but I guess if I figure out what needs to go with her foot and hand, I’ll test my powers of persuasion one more time.

Proust Questionnaire Number Six

Marcel Proust Quote:
“Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.”

Confessions Question:
The natural talent I’d like to be gifted with.

Confidences Question:
The gift of nature I would like to have.

Proust’s Answer:
Will-power, and seductiveness.

I have many extremely talented friends. God certainly has not shorted me in talents. But as I survey my friends, the two talents that do make me slightly jealous are glaringly obvious.

The natural talents that I wished that I had:

Derrick Gorshe’s ability to play the guitar.

Jay Janson’s ability to draw. (In fairness, this isn’t a good example of Jay’s drawing ability, but if you want to try drawing in pitch black, I can set that up.)

Proust Questionnaire Number One

Marcel Proust filled out the questionnaire twice. The first time was in either 1885 or 1886 in an English confessions album. The second time was in either 1891 or 1892 in the French album Les confidences de salon. There are some questions unique to both questionnaires and the wording is slightly different in both questionnaires.

To start this exercise (perhaps in futility) I will share one of my favorite Marcel Proust quotes, pose the questions both ways and share Proust’s answers to the questionnaire in Confidences.

Marcel Proust quote:
“Love is a reciprocal torture.”

Confessions Question:
Your favorite heroes in fiction.

Confidences Question:
My heroes in fiction.

Proust’s Confidences’ Answer

To remain true to the 19th century spirit of this question I am going to only consider literary characters and not fictional movie or television characters. Although it is really hard not to pick a fictional character like Glenn Beck. That character is hilarious! Brilliant parody of paranoid, right wing nut job! He has to be playing a character, right? Nobody with half a working brain could truly let loose the things that fall out of that guy’s mouth.

The label “elitist” has falsely been placed upon me many a time. I do not consider myself an elitist just because compared to some of my other fellow members of the human race I actually have standards.

Teresa knows not to ask me for Nicholas Sparks novels for Christmas. In fact, when my Mom and I went Christmas shopping for Teresa last year and she picked up a Nicholas Sparks book for Teresa I refused to let it be placed near the same bag as a book that I had picked up. It also had to ride in the trunk the whole way back from Des Moines. I’m not sharing any of the car cabin space with anything that guy put to print.

My reputation is great enough that when Elainie put the Twilight books on her Christmas list this year Teresa asked me if she should bother copying that over to my Christmas list book. (Teresa makes books that contain everybody’s Christmas list so that it easier to carry with you when you go Christmas shopping.)

I told her that Elainie is a teenage girl. It is acceptable for her to be reading such trash. But I would hope that she would aim higher in her literary pursuits in the future. Of course, there is no way that Elainie will be getting those books from me. My skin burns when I touch reading material that is beneath me. Even if I’m only buying it for somebody else. It is an allergic reaction that can’t be helped.

Despite my standing as the family literary snob, I actually have read very few fiction books this year. In fact, I don’t even think I’ve cracked open a book by either of my favorite authors: J.D. Salinger or Nathanael West.

The fact I have read so few fiction books makes it rather easy to answer this question. My favorite fictional hero that I met this year is the title character from Edith Wharton’s novel Ethan Frome.

According to the back cover of my Dover Thrift Edition of Ethan Frome, Ethan is:

Burdened by poverty and spiritually dulled by a loveless marriage to an older woman, Frome is emotionally stirred by the arrival of a youthful cousin who is employed as household help. Mattie’s presence not only brightens a gloomy house but stirs long-dormant feelings in Ethan. Their growing love for one another, discovered by an embittered wife, presages an ending to this grim tale that is both shocking and savagely ironic.

Since I doubt anybody will rush out to read this small book, I will just let you know why this book and character stuck with me, even though it will ruin the shocking and savagely ironic ending somewhat.

Ethan is stuck in a loveless marriage. He is in love with his wife’s cousin Mattie and Mattie loves him back. But he is paralyzed by the times he lives in and a mountain of debt and his personal code of morality. One of my favorite paragraphs exhibits the paralysis that has stricken Ethan.

Ethan had imagined that his allusion might open the way to the accepted pleasantries, and these perhaps in turn to a harmless caress, if only a mere touch on the hand. But now he felt as if her blush had set a flaming guard about her. He supposed it was his natural awkwardness that made him feel so. He knew that most young men made nothing at all of giving a pretty girl a kiss, and he remembered the night before, when he had put his arm about Mattie, she had not resisted. But that had been out-of-doors, under the open irresponsible night. Now, in the warm lamplit room, with all its ancient implications of conformity and order, she seemed infinitely farther away from him and more unapproachable.

Because Ethan and Mattie can’t be together in life, they decide to be together in death. They make a suicide pact where they sled down a hill together into a large elm tree.

Her pleadings still came to him between short sobs, but he no longer heard what she was saying. Her hat had slipped back and he was stroking her hair. He wanted to get the feeling of it into his hand, so that it would sleep there like a seed in winter. Once he found her mouth again, and they seemed to be by the pond together in the burning August sun. But his cheek touched hers, and it was cold and full of weeping, and he saw the road to the Flats under the night and heard the whistle of the train up the line.

The spruces swathed them in blackness and silence. They might have been in their coffins underground. He said to himself: “Perhaps it’ll feel like this. . .” and then again: “After this I sha’n’t feel anything. . .”

The sledding accident doesn’t kill Ethan or Mattie. They are both crippled and Mattie’s sweet disposition turns sour. Ethan spends the rest of his life with the wife that he despises and with a woman that is but a shadow of the woman that he loves.

It is a bitter life, but Ethan continues on every day with a daily reminder of his shattered dreams of happiness.

Be Aggressive!

On Sunday I descended into the depths of Missouri and Kansas on Sunday to watch Alexis compete in competitive cheerleading.

I had spoken with our Associate Pastor Andrea about good barbecue joints in Kansas City and she recommended Jack Stack for ribs and Oklahoma Joe’s for sandwiches. I looked into both places and found that there was a Jack Stack in the same suburb as the competition so we checked it out.

In a word… divine!

Everything was great. The fried mushrooms, the warm carrot cake, the ribs, the burnt ends, the beans… everything. I was particularly impressed with a cheesy corn side dish. Teresa is researching the recipe and we (meaning not me) are going to try to replicate it for our Thanksgiving meal.

I should point out that the carrot cake was one of the top 3 desserts I have ever had from a restaurant. Right up there with the tiramisu from Cosi Cucina or the warm chocolate cake from the cruise.

Photographing moving targets in low light does not make for the best pictures, but please enjoy a few pictures from the day:

Be Aggressive!
Statue in front of Jack Stack

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Looking over the program.

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Iowa All-Stars

Be Aggressive!
Now we get to the point of the pictures where it is more or less: “Where’s Alexis?”

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Write down your answers to “Where’s Alexis?” and mail them to A winner will be randomly selected from all correct entries.

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Can you imagine what this many cheerleaders (and their moms) in one room sounds like?

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Elainie photographing.

Be Aggressive!
We are the champions, my friends…

Be Aggressive!
The Bennett women. I know Teresa will complain about this picture, but it was the only one of the 3 pictures I took where Mom doesn’t look drugged out.

Be Aggressive!
The medal.

Be Aggressive!
I’m going to call this Alexis’ gangsta look.

Be Aggressive!
No comment.

It was a good trip, but I was glad to get back out of the state of Missouri. Very glad.