Category Archives: Photography

Proust Questionnaire Number Six

Marcel Proust Quote:
“Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.”

Confessions Question:
The natural talent I’d like to be gifted with.

Confidences Question:
The gift of nature I would like to have.

Proust’s Answer:
Will-power, and seductiveness.

I have many extremely talented friends. God certainly has not shorted me in talents. But as I survey my friends, the two talents that do make me slightly jealous are glaringly obvious.

The natural talents that I wished that I had:

Derrick Gorshe’s ability to play the guitar.

Jay Janson’s ability to draw. (In fairness, this isn’t a good example of Jay’s drawing ability, but if you want to try drawing in pitch black, I can set that up.)

Proust Questionnaire Number Three

Marcel Proust Quote:
“We are able to find everything in our memory, which is like a dispensary or chemical laboratory in which chance steers our hand sometimes to a soothing drug and sometimes to a dangerous poison.”

Confessions Question:
Your favorite colour and flower.

Confidences Question:
My favorite colour.

There is a separate Confidences question that reads:
The flower that I like.

Proust’s Answers:
The beauty is not in the colours, but in their harmony.


Hers/His – and after, all of them.

Ohhhhh, Proust you and your sexual innuendo! Well played, sir.

But I do have to give the man credit. The answer to his color question is brilliant. I don’t have a favorite color. I’d almost say that having a favorite color is borderline foolish. All colors have a purpose and their power is really in how one plays off of each other. If you have spent any time trying to pick out the right color mat for a photo of a flower you know of what I speak.

I don’t think that it is the fact that black and white will always be my primary love in photography that makes me think in this manner.

As for a favorite flower. I admittedly know very little about flowers and I’m not even sure that it is fitting for somebody that is as decidedly manly (I belched as I typed that for emphasis) as I am to even have a favorite flower.

I see flowers how I see colors. They each have a purpose, but since I posed this question to somebody over the weekend and got the answer back immediately (which means it was answered with a decided degree of conviction), daisies and stargazers, I should in fairness at least share my favorite flower pictures from this year.

Girl in the Blue Skirt - 2013
The Solace of Ordinary Humanity

2009 - Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest Nominee
Monica’s Childhood

2010 Calendar - November
The Eternal Seductiveness of Life

Iowa State Fair - 2009
A Proud Assertion

Iowa State Fair - 2009
Hieroglyphics of Angels

Iowa State Fair - 2009
Love’s Truest Language

Iowa State Fair - 2009
Where Love Waits

Iowa State Fair - 2009
Plant’s Highest Fulfillment

I realize now that one of my many failures this year was not getting to the State Center Rose Garden. That is something I will have to remedy in 2010.

The other day I came across a quote by author Alice Walker that I think also helps tie this question up:

“If you pass by the color purple in a field and don’t notice it, God gets real pissed off.”

That is one of the main tenets of this website as well.

Formulaic Catechism

As the year is winding down and I am trying to set aside more time for photo projects I have decided to do something a little bit different with this Journal in the month of December. I’ve decided to reflect on the accomplishments and failures of this past year. The tool that I am going to utilize to do this reflection is the Proust Questionnaire.

I’m sure a few people are familiar with the Proust Questionnaire. It is often used in celebrity interviews. You will find it on the last page of Vanity Fair and at the end of interviews by the heinous James Lipton.

The Proust Questionnaire is named after Marcel Proust. I don’t know if anybody actually reads Proust, but I think just about as many people pretend to read Proust as pretend to read Joyce. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest authors of all-time. His life is best summed up by this line of dialogue from the movie Little Miss Sunshine:

“Yeah. French writer. Total loser. Never had a real job. Unrequited love affairs. Gay. Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads. But he’s also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he uh… he gets down to the end of his life, and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered, Those were the best years of his life, ’cause they made him who he was. All those years he was happy? You know, total waste. Didn’t learn a thing.”

But Proust did not create the questionnaire. The questionnaire was a a popular parlor game in Britain in the 19th century. It was taken by friends and families and the questions were meant to reveal something about the tastes, aspirations and personality of the person taking it.

Although this game died out at the the beginning of the 20th century, its spirit still lives on in the form of the quizzes and surveys that people fill out on social networking websites like Facebook and MySpace. An activity in which I never engage, so it might come as somewhat shocking to some that I am going to engage in this little experiment.

There are 35 questions on the Proust Questionnaire. Most likely, I will answer about 22 of those questions. I will pick out the 22 least interesting questions to answer and leave the other 13 answers to your imagination.

I do invite you to answer these questions as well in the comments section of this Journal.

However, while thinking about this questionnaire and some of the interactions I have had in the last few days I has reminded me of some photo projects I abandoned a few years back. It was definitely for the best that one of these projects was abandoned.

A few of you might remember some of these pictures and the nature of these projects from the old RMB Picture of the Day days.

The Labels Project

A Scene from the Woods
A Scene from the Woods Still

A Scene from the Woods Still

A Scene from the Woods Still

A Scene from the Woods Still

A Scene from the Woods Still

I hope you enjoy my self-serving look back on 2009.

Be Aggressive!

On Sunday I descended into the depths of Missouri and Kansas on Sunday to watch Alexis compete in competitive cheerleading.

I had spoken with our Associate Pastor Andrea about good barbecue joints in Kansas City and she recommended Jack Stack for ribs and Oklahoma Joe’s for sandwiches. I looked into both places and found that there was a Jack Stack in the same suburb as the competition so we checked it out.

In a word… divine!

Everything was great. The fried mushrooms, the warm carrot cake, the ribs, the burnt ends, the beans… everything. I was particularly impressed with a cheesy corn side dish. Teresa is researching the recipe and we (meaning not me) are going to try to replicate it for our Thanksgiving meal.

I should point out that the carrot cake was one of the top 3 desserts I have ever had from a restaurant. Right up there with the tiramisu from Cosi Cucina or the warm chocolate cake from the cruise.

Photographing moving targets in low light does not make for the best pictures, but please enjoy a few pictures from the day:

Be Aggressive!
Statue in front of Jack Stack

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Looking over the program.

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Iowa All-Stars

Be Aggressive!
Now we get to the point of the pictures where it is more or less: “Where’s Alexis?”

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Write down your answers to “Where’s Alexis?” and mail them to A winner will be randomly selected from all correct entries.

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Can you imagine what this many cheerleaders (and their moms) in one room sounds like?

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive!
Elainie photographing.

Be Aggressive!
We are the champions, my friends…

Be Aggressive!
The Bennett women. I know Teresa will complain about this picture, but it was the only one of the 3 pictures I took where Mom doesn’t look drugged out.

Be Aggressive!
The medal.

Be Aggressive!
I’m going to call this Alexis’ gangsta look.

Be Aggressive!
No comment.

It was a good trip, but I was glad to get back out of the state of Missouri. Very glad.

Window Project #2

Kelly’s salon recently had their Grand Re-opening after all of their remodeling.

I hadn’t put a picture up in Salon 908 since the remodeling, so I decided to do a window project for the salon.

Salon 908 Window

For a closer look at Window Project #2, you will need to go to Salon 908.

Below is a closer look at the pictures for this project. It should be noted that the pictures below aren’t in the same proportions as they are presented in the window.

Night Flowers 3

4 other pictures were under consideration for Window Project #2, but were rejected for various reasons. The rejected pictures:

Flower Window

Flower Window

I will be starting work on Window Project #3 possibly as early as in a couple of days. But most likely it will wait until the beginning of December. I do need to start giving some consideration to whether or not there will be a Photography 139 2010 calendar in the near future.

Last 2 Home Games

I’ve posted a few pictures from the Iowa State’s last two home games in the Snapshots Gallery.

A few of my favorites from the Oklahoma State game…

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
Warming Up

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
James Smith and Banks

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
This picture might be a statement on the one sided nature of this game, but while watching the water girls we determined that Oklahoma State has a disturbing hierarchy in their water girls. Certain water girls were allowed on the field while other water girls just hung out at this massive Gatorade table. But you could tell what water girls were high ranking and which ones weren’t based on their eye apparel. The high ranking water girls wore sunglasses. They did this throughout the entire game. Even after the sun had went down.

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
National Anthem

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
Only the Cowboy place kicker wore these special orange shoes. Whatever showboat!

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
And the winner for dumbest looking mascot to enter Jack Trice Stadium is…

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
Robinson on the run.

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
OSU also had a disturbing amount of people loitering on their sidelines. Including this lady with the world’s ugliest purse. (I don’t really have opinions on purses other than I don’t want to hold yours for you.)

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
Garrin on the tackle.

Iowa State vs. Oklahoma State - 2009
Tiller’s brief appearance.

Logan took Jesse’s ticket. I wish he would have been able to see a better game, but that is the nature of being a Cyclone fan.

Jen took Jesse’s ticket to the Colorado game. She saw a much better game from the Cyclones. It was exciting because it was the first time Jen has seen the Cyclones win in person. Plus, now we are bowl eligible.

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
Parents on Senior Day.

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
Hamilton’s touchdown grab!

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
It takes 4 Colorado players to tackle Arnaud.

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
Not on Banks’ watch!

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
Arnaud slipping.

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
There has been some debate on whether or not the ISUCFVMB dancing was cool or lame. I will leave it to your discretion.

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
There is no denying that ISUCFVMB seniors leaving their shoes on the field is a cool tradition though.

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
Post-game Celebration

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
Even though it got cold in the 2nd half, Jen toughed it out! Adding another line to her “Super-wife” resume. I do believe that her toughness may have inspired somebody to join us for a game next year. In fact, I know this for a fact!

Iowa State vs Colorado - 2009
Cyclone Win!

More pictures can be found in the Iowa State – 2009.

6 wins makes Iowa State bowl eligible, but it doesn’t guarantee that we will go to a bowl game. Iowa State beating Missouri would clinch a bowl game.

I have seen Iowa State projected to go to either the Insight Bowl or the Independence Bowl. I hope these projections are correct. Either way: GO STATE!!!!

The Jupiter Chronicles

The day before Halloween was a very special Friday Night Supper Club. It was special because I hosted it, The guest list was expanded, we had Casey’s taco pizza and Jay made the dessert.

Why these special things occurred can be traced back to one thing. At that FNSC I took custody of Sara’s pride and joy – Jupiter Moon.

Sara was heading to Florida for a Junck family vacation and she entrusted her 4 year old cockapoo to my care for a week. Sara decided to make the transfer at FNSC. I decided that it would be best if I hosted FNSC so that Jupiter wouldn’t just be dumped into a strange house without any familiar faces. Sara brought some additional familiar faces: Anirban, Cousin Amy, Jen and Derrick.

Jen put in a request for the Casey’s taco pizza and her wish was granted.

At about 11:30 the guests packed up and left Jupiter behind. He was not very happy to be left behind, but it began our week together. A week where I was reminded of the responsibilities of dog ownership that will face me in the spring. A week where I had an opportunity to man Jupiter up, just a slight bit.

The first night was a little bit rough. Neither one of us slept particularly well. Jupiter spent almost the entire night staring at the front door. He would occasionally join me in the bedroom, but he would just stare out my bedroom door for a few seconds and then return to his post in the living room. Staring at the front door.

Jupiter spent most of Saturday morning looking depressed. When Sara texted to ask how he was doing, I responded that he was suffering from Post-Sara Depression.

Sara texted back that she though all creatures suffered from Post-Sara Depression.

I took Jupiter outside and he helped me take down and store all of the yard furniture for the winter.

By the afternoon, Jupiter was less depressed and more or less just subdued. We listened to the Iowa State football game, made spiced apple cider and nachos.

Near the conclusion of the game, Jay came over and started his annual pumpkin carving. Jupiter seemed intrigued by this and enjoyed greeting trick-or-treaters.

After the trick-or-treaters, we watched a couple of old horror movies and went to bed. Jupiter tried to sleep with me, but he wanted to sleep on top of me. He figured out that wasn’t going to work and spent the night on the couch.

On Sunday, I got up early and tailgated for church. Only 3 of us showed up for the tailgate, but the revolution was definitely on. After church, I attended a Methodist Men Board meeting, where we discussed the upcoming chicken noodle brunch.

On my way home, my mom called and asked if I wanted to look over any of grandpa’s tools. I could have any of them that I wanted.

I was planning on taking Jupiter for a walk in the park and I knew that I didn’t want any tools, so I loaded Jupiter in the car for what I thought was going to be a quick look at some tools and then a trip to the park.

As it turns out, this was actually a clean everything out of the garage mission and while I didn’t take any of the tools, I took several things out of the “garbage” pile.

Jupiter got to assist in the manly work of cleaning the garage. Unfortunately, by the time we finished, there was no longer any time for the park. I took Jupiter back home and headed to Prairie City with the Degeneffes to try the state’s reigning tenderloin champ.

Shortly after returning from that pilgrimage, I got my basketball gear together and heading to Ames for our opening games of the Ames Rec League. To start the season, we were schedule a double header!

I got home dog tired. I showered and fell asleep. Jupiter slept that night at my feet.

I always skip bowling on the first Monday of every month for my Trustees meeting. The meeting this month was fairly short. We mostly discussed cutting a pew off at one end and nothing else that I can remember.

After the meeting I took Jupiter for a walk. We walked about 1 mile. He peed (or at least stopped to lift his leg) 12 times.

Tuesday night I took Nader out for his birthday with the Baiers. Because I got home so late, Jupiter and I didn’t do anything manly.

Wednesday night I go to open gym to work on trying to recover some semblance of what used to be my basketball game. I also got home too late to do anything very manly.

Thursday night I took Jupiter to Jen and Derrick’s for a dog playdate with Bailey and Jackson.

Dog playdate didn’t go as well as we had hoped. Jackson and Jupiter seemed to get along well enough. At least they were able to ignore each other. Bailey and Jupiter did not end up being the best of buds. Jupiter was a little growly. This ended in a tiff where Bailey and Jupiter had words. Gyro Guy pizza ended up flying through the air and some smashed into the kitchen wall. A terrible waste.

Derrick took Bailey into the other room and gave her a lecture. I don’t know what he said, but Bailey was on good behavior rest of the night. Jupiter and Bailey never got all that buddy-buddy, but they didn’t come to blows. More importantly, no more Jeff’s Pizza had to be wasted.

On Friday I went to FNSC at Golden Corral. This was the first time that we have ever been to Golden Corral for FNSC. It was okay.

Afterwards, Jay came back to my place and we watched a cheerleader movie with Jupiter. I think this might have undone much of the work I had done in trying to man him up, but Sara insists that cheerleading is a sport, so it it okay.

Saturday morning, we woke up and did a little more work around the yard. I was glad to see that some of my hard work had paid off. Jupiter was actually enjoying being outside now.

I concluded my alone Jupiter time by watching College Game Day with him.

I picked up Logan and went to the Iowa State-Oklahoma State game. After the game, we met up with Sara and Anirban at Great Plains.

Then Sara came back to Boone and re-claimed Jupiter. He is back in Beaverdale, but I am posting a few pictures from his week with me.

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

The Jupiter Chronicles

On Sunday, when I got home from basketball, it dawned on me that it would have been really nice to have Jupiter waiting to greet me at the back door.

I texted Sara to let her know that I missed Jupiter. She texted me back that he missed me too. I asked her to watch football with him. She declined.

But to honor the week I spent with Jupiter Moon, he has become the first 4 legged creature to be featured in the now defunct Snapshots Gallery.