Category Archives: Jesse

Jesse Goes to Africa – Collection 1

For a few days in a row, I’m going to post 10 pictures from Jesse’s trip. I only know one of the people that he went on the trip with and I don’t know what is going on in the pictures because we haven’t had a chance to go over the pictures, so you are going to get my best uneducated guess as to what each picture represents.

I do mean uneducated. Everything I know about Africa comes from watching the movie Shaft in Africa*. A movie with the tagline: “THE Brother Man in the Motherland.”

A movie with great dialogue like:

Shaft: Look, why don’t you get rid of that jolly giant over there, so you and I can get down to the finer strokes.
Aleme: Oziot has guarded me since I was a child. Sometimes I think of him as my living chastity belt.
Shaft: Damn! Man that size, baby, that’s a whole lot of chastity!

This conversation goes on for a little bit longer, but I invite you to experience its full greatness by picking up your own copy of Shaft in Africa.

It appears that Jesse must have flown out of the Kansas City or St. Louis airport because I believe this picture must have been taken in Missouri.


I’m assuming Salodin means Dairy Queen. As long as they have Dilly Bars, I’m in!


It is just nice to see a picture of a bunch of kids and none of them are wearing Crocs!


There is a scene in the movie Gone with the Wind where Rhett brings back the latest fashion from Paris for Scarlett. Scarlett does not know how to wear the new hat. Rhett quips: “This war stopped being a joke when a girl like you doesn’t know how to wear the latest fashion.”

I think what Jesse was trying to say with this picture is: “Years of genocide and civil war stopped being a joke when these orphans don’t have a choosy mom to choose them Jif.”



What I really like in this picture is the combination of kids that are trying to throw down the badass vibe and the kids that are just being silly.


Jesse introducing Ugandan kids to the Fonzie pose.

I think Jesse is teaching them the awesome power of spirit fingers.


Dave and Jesse showing off the Little White Lye Soap that kept them clean and manly smelling during their mission trip.

10 more pictures are on the way.

*I also learned everything I know about being a man from the original Shaft.

The Hero of Africa

He raped the whole country of morality, of integrity. He implemented a trend of corruption in a people who were not corrupt. He raised a generation of people who wanted to steal rather than to work for personal gain.
-Robert Kayanja, Miracle Centre Cathedral in Kampala, Uganda

That is a quote about Idi Amin, the Ugandan military dictator of Uganda from 1971-1979. Amnesty International estimates that he had close to 500,000 people killed during his reign. He had members of the Acholi and Lango ethnic groups massacred. Bodies flowed down the Nile in such numbers that they clogged the Owen Falls Hydro-Electric Dam.

He described himself as “The Hero of Africa”. It has been 30 years since Amin was removed from power and things have improved little since then.

It was into this country that Jesse recently went for two weeks.

But the good news is that he is back.

The Hero of Africa

And he endorses the experience he had in Uganda.

I would like to share the two emails that he sent me while he was in Uganda, now that he is safe back in the Cyclone State.

Email 1:


I decided to type a letter prior to getting access to the internet so I could write more. 🙂

The flights were SO long and we had to make an unexpected stop in Rwanda before making it to Entebbe really late and then had to drive to Kampala. I was not prepared for the desolation that this entire area is. The hostel we stayed at the first night was on all dirt roads that have potholes bigger than Taylan. There are baboons, longhorns, goats, and children walking to school to fit on a road that is so thin it is very difficult to even fit our van on. There are cell phones spread throughout the people but they are so antiquated that they can barely call between Ugandans. We had to drive all around to find a “cyber-cafe” to email yesterday and the lady was very short with us and wanted us out. We haven’t found a way to get to a phone yet but are going to look tonight.

The weather has been great so far… 85 with no humidity. Yesterday was the first day really and we went out the orphanage / school / and church. We met so many people but the language barrier has been pretty great but they love having us here. Everywhere we go there is such a push to make people aware of AIDS and prevention. Our first day was spent in Kyampologoma was the first real stop and it was so unbelievable. 550 children attend a school that just 20 years ago was covered in the remains of the dead from a terrible battle between Idi Amin and Moseweni’s rebels. Our pastor said that 30% of the population has HIV. Of the orphans we met 30 have full blown AIDS and 6 more have HIV. The government has posters everywhere even in places where I would think would be inappropriate. There are baskets of condoms everywhere you turn. Yesterday the village we were in slayed a goat and for us to eat… did NOT taste like chicken. We also had an opportunity to be a part of a huge coming of age ritual. The circumcision of a young man. Oh my word… not prepared in the least for this visual imprint.. I thought it was a standard ritual dance and then there was this erotica dance between this young man and girl and then all his friends came and threw charcoal on him all over and rubbed it everywhere. Then he placed a large branch behind his head and the elders came up with a knife and made the cuts with less than surgical precision. This immediately led to sharing in the feast of the goat. That afternoon we got to play with the orphans and school kids. That was incredible to say the least. They just wanted to shake hands with us in that 80’s movie handshake. Then just tell us all about them and although we could not understand, they just loved to be listened to. Finally, that night a couple of us were asked to share from the Bible and we had a translator to share with the kids. I wasn’t expecting to talk but I thought about Olivia as they asked me to talk and I shared Psalm 139 verses 1-8 as these kids feel like they do not matter but God cares about them and knows each one of them by name, the number of hairs on their head, and that they are no less important to him than we are. Verse 7 talks about where we can go to flee his presence. Nowhere. God is present everywhere and in every situation no matter how dire or how blessed. He has a plan for each of us and we need to be prepared for him to work out the details in how you will get there. This trip is a perfect example. 3 and a half years ago I wouldn’t have even known Uganda was more than a country in Uganda.

I didn’t sleep at all last night, not sure if the time change is the cause or if is the fact that I am waiting to talk to you all. As soon as I can, I will. Today we move further north and have experienced our first dealings with police inspection. They are not excited about our heading closer to Kitkum and Gulu. Our mission is not to be detoured.

Please keep our group in your thoughts and prayers. I will write more soon but I need to prepare for the day ahead.

Bennett, please share this with others who might be interested. Please don’t post this on Facebook as Kelly is already nervous about this trip and this will not ease her nerves 🙂

The connection speed is way too slow to send pictures much less video so I will put this together when we return.

Love you brother and will talk to you soon.

Quote of the trip so far…. The whole world should be duty free!

Email 2

Hello Gentlemen,

Today was long, long, long and yet I wanted to write you and tell you that I miss you and hope things are going well. We have visited so many places. Orphanages, churches, and schools. To get to all of these places we have 13-15 of us packed into a 12 passenger bus for an hour to 3 hours on roads that can only be called privative and not suited for travel. We have met so many incredible people and the children here are so happy to see us. So many have never seen a white person in their lives and some of the children run away crying scared. We build a church yesterday out of sticks, mud, and a metal roof. We had to dig the dirt up, water it, and stop the mud to make it consistent and then pack the mud into the walls. It is amazing. The elders said that “they didn’t think that whites were kind to work”. They were amazed that despite our skin color, that we are indeed the same. They were blessed as were we to be a part of this.

So many children have lost both their parents to AIDS and even more have lost 1 parent. The number of children with HIV is unfathomable and just kills me. Yet they smile, sing, and dance for us when we come into their villages.

Our team has eaten so many odd things this trip from goat, to cassava root, to animals I have no idea what they were before they were slaughtered for us. The food is abysmal but they are serving us the best of what they have as their guests so we smile and eat with our hands. I am ready for a tropical snow! The pineapple is plentiful and is what is keeping me going though :).

I got to give the sermon yesterday in front of a about 200 people and while incredibly nerve racking, it went well and there was much response. Amazing to see that regardless of language, the message hits the heart the same.

I miss you all,


He is already planning a return trip to Uganda.

Happy Birthday Jay!

I think I’m going to create a hybrid of the 2 birthday salute styles that I have tried in the past.

Happy Birthday Mr. Janson!

Kalona Road Trip - 2008
Jay in Kalona

Halloween - 2008
Jay Carving Pumpkins

Jay in Beautiful Downtown McCallsburg

Jay in Kelley

Ottumwa House
Jay-Working It in Ottumwa (Rob Gorshe Admires His Work)

Jay's Last Drink
Jay Boozing It Up in Mankato

Jay in the Stephens Parking Lot after Watching Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Iowa State Fair - 2007
Jay at the Iowa State Fair

Eastern Iowa Road Trip - 2006
Jay in Clinton with a Couple Dudes He Knows

Jay and Some Dude in Colo

But I do have more pictures of Jay in the Snapshots Gallery. But you can also click on the link below to find about 20 more pictures of Jay.

Jay Christopher Janson

There is also a random picture of Bill in the mix as well.

I Can Not Tell A Lie

It is often, most likely, mistaught to the children of America that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree. The story is used as an example of George Washington’s veracity.

I’ve heard the story, but what is most intriguing about the story to me is why he would chop down the tree?

When I moved into my home, I had two mystery trees in the backyard. My hope of hopes was that they were cherry trees. However, the people that examined them determined them to be magnolia or crabapple trees.

As the fates would have it, they were wrong. I have two cherry trees.

Although I did not know that I had cherry trees, every bird in the county did know about my trees. I was warned that I needed to cover the trees with nets to prevent these flying thieves (with apologies to the Bible, they didn’t reap or sow) from making off with my cherries.

I purchased the requisite net and Jesse and I spent close to an hour getting it over the trees.

I Can Not Tell a Lie

I Can Not Tell a Lie

After the nets were up, I ran a sample batch of cherries over to Shannon, my cherry expert, for a determination on whether or not they were ready for picking.

She determined that they were ready to be picked and we scheduled a cherry picking appointment. What I didn’t know, was that this was also a cherry pie baking appointment.

I can not tell a lie. I didn’t really participate in the pie baking, but I have since participated in the pie eating.

Cherry Pie
The Bounty

Cherry Pie
Shannon with the Bounty

Cherry Pie
Shannon removing the pits.

Cherry Pie
Cutting the lattice. It was the first time this cheese spreader had been removed from its box.

Cherry Pie
Shannon making a mess in my kitchen. Actually Shannon still owes me one mess, because I recently tracked mud into her apartment and also left a sizable mess behind when we bound calendars. So I’m up on her 2 messes to 1.

Cherry Pie
Shannon rolling out the pie crust. Both Jen and Shannon are tremendous pie crust snobs. Neither will even consider the remote possibility that a person could make a pie with anything other than crust made from scratch.

Cherry Pie
Removing the pits from cherries is a messy business.

Cherry Pie
Shannon Picking Cherries

Cherry Pie
Shannon Picking Cherries

Cherry Pie
The Proud Owner of a Shannon Baked, extremely juicy Cherry Pie.

After looking at one of the pictures of Shannon picking cherries I thought it might be interesting to Photoshop that picture with one of my favorite Photoshop techniques. I thought it would look interesting due to the nets.

Cherry Pie

Now that I have officially enjoyed the fruits of my cherry trees, I know one thing for certain. If George Washington ever came over to my house and chopped down one of my cherry trees, I would lay him out. Founding Father or not.

Skin to Win

A lifetime ago I knew this girl that was entering a wet t-shirt contest. She was explaining to Jesse, Jay and I her strategy for winning this contest.

We tried our best to explain to her that there really is only one strategy for winning a wet t-shirt contest.

That strategy, of course, is “Skin to Win!”

She didn’t believe us.

While you are probably wondering why I am telling you the story of somebody that would sell their dignity so cheaply, the answer is simple. On a recent wet morning, I wandered out of my house and took a few pictures of some wet plants.

I hope you find them to be as sexy as I do.

Wet Stuff

Wet Stuff

Wet Stuff

Wet Stuff

Wet Stuff

Wet Stuff

Wet Stuff

Wet Stuff

If you are wondering, this girl’s strategy was about teasing. She did in fact lose to a girl that knew the cardinal rule of wet t-shirt contests.

The Grand Slam

This is a video of Jesse eating an onion. Why? Because he said that he could and Schmidt and I doubted him. Well perhaps doubt is the wrong term, because we wanted to see him do it.

But now we have devised a new goal for Jesse. We want him to complete the Grand Slam of onions. He has taken a white onion down. It is time for him to step up to a yellow onion. Then a red onion. Then finally a green onion.

If you see 3 more videos, you know he was up to the challenge.

Of course, if you subscribe to this blog via email or RSS Feed, you will actually have to go to the website to see the video.


On May 23, I had my housewarming party. I would consider it a success on some level. 10-15 showed up for it.

I would like to thank everybody that made an appearance:

Baier, Jason
Bardole, Shannon
Bennett, Charlotte
Brannen, Suzie
Daniel, Jeff
Derner, Geri
Degeneffe, Scott
Gorshe, Derrick
Gorshe, Jen
Gorshe, Jill
Henning, Monica
Hiatt, Eric
Howard, Jesse
Howard, Kalista
Howard, Kelly
Howard, Saydie
Howard, Taylan
Janson, Jay
Jauhari, Andree
Jenson, Terra
Johnstone, Jason
Junck, Sara
Kahler, Brandon
Kahler, Logan
Kahler, Russ
Kahler, Teresa
Kewer, Jeff
McAlpine, Willy
Meiners, Alex
Meiners, Barb
Meiners, Frank
Meiners, Trevor
Miller, Bethany
Miller, Jim
Miller, Nate
Mubaidin, Shadi
Parsaei, Nader
Perkovich, Becky
Peterson, Tim
Redd, Ernie
Roberts, Lori
Roberts, Sam
Roberts, Steve
Schmidt, Amy
Schmidt, Corey
Schmidt, Izzy
Strachota, James
Stensland, Alexis
Stensland, Carla
Stensland, Elainie
Stensland, Jason
Stensland, Johnathan
Ungs, Casy
Venema, Barb
Yin, Amy

Of course, some special thanks are in order for some special people.

Thanks to Logan for manning the grill so I could engage in hosting duties.
Thanks to Johnathan for helping Logan out.
Thanks to Shannon for bringing Oatmeal Cake.
Thanks to Terra for bringing taco dip.
Thanks to Jay for bring rhubarb crunch and blackberry buckle.
Thanks to Jen for bringing brownies.
Thanks to Monica for bringing taco dip.
Thanks to Steve for bring homegrown salsa and rhubarb crisp.
Thanks to Becky for bringing mint fudge cheesecake.
Thanks to Jesse for bringing ice, a canopy and running to get more firewood.
Thanks to Sara, whom I think might have brought some vegetables.

I did not really get out my camera for this occasion, but Sara took some pictures with her camera. Below are a few pictures from Sara’s camera.

Admittedly these pictures only include a small spectrum of the party people, but it will have to suffice, it is all that I got.

Monica and I

Monica and Jen

Sara and Jen

Sara, Jen and I

Sara, Jill and Jen

Jen, Derrick and Shannon (Shadi in the background)

I and James

Jesse, I and Sara

Logan, I and Jesse

Logan, Sara and Jen

I and Jesse

I and Jill

Jason, I and Jesse


Jen and Derrick

I guess now that the house is sufficiently warmed, I won’t have to do that again.

But on the positive side, I think almost everybody who came to the party will leave with at least one memory of my neighbor, Mr. Jason Johnstone. My Kramer.

Housewarming Invites

I had a housewarming/birthday shindig on May 23. I made individual invitations for those that were invited. I’d like to share some of them.

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
The Kahlers

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
The Roberts Family

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
The Hiatts

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
The Howards

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
Jeff and Yin

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
The Gorshes

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
The Baiers

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
Bethany and Rebecca

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation
The Degeneffes

2009 Birthday/Housewarming Party Invitation

Geri requested a new picture of us be taken because she wanted a picture where she wasn’t looking at me as if I was the smartest person in the world. I guess I never noticed her having an expression different than what I’m used to seeing by the majority of people in my life…

Better than Work

I took Wednesday off to go down to Tom Harkin’s office with Jesse to meet with one of Tom Harkin’s assistants to discuss the situation in Uganda.

If you are not familiar with what is going on in Uganda, I would suggest you check out a video put together by a group called Invisible Children.

I posted it in a blog a long time ago:

Invisible Children Video

The meeting went well, but it was to be expected. Who is going to come out and support child soldiers?

On our way to the meeting, we walked by an advertisement. I don’t think that there is anything in the world that could have encapsulated what is wrong with our country more.

Tom Harkin Office Visit
Ugly America

When the meeting started, Tom Harkin’s assistant presented us with a letter showing both his support for ending the civil war in Uganda and his (staff’s) ability to use Wikipedia.

To see the letter in full size, click the link below:

Tom Harkin Letter

Tom Harkin Office Visit
Jesse in front of the Federal Building

After the meeting, we met up with Sara and hit both Ted’s Coney Island and Snookie’s.

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

It was truly a great impromptu lunch. Including when Sara called nursing homes: “Purgatory with crafts.”